Ocean trivia : Fizzics Education


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Ocean trivia

Ocean trivia

Yes! You can find bodies of brine (highly dense salt water) trapped in deep ocean crevices. These underwater lakes of brine can be highly toxic to marine life.
True! The algae that lives within coral is easily damaged by UV light. To combat this, the coral polyps produce fluorescent pigments that help block some of this sunlight.
The Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada. The unique shape of the bay causes the change from high to low tide of up to 13 meters!
65,000kms! The boundary between many of the tectonic plates exists underneath our oceans. The Mid Ocean Ridge is an unbroken chain of mountains that is easily the longest mountain range on Earth.
True! There are 100,000's of shipwrecks all over the world that are still yet to be fully explored, let alone the ones that have not yet been discovered.
True! One study found there is only about one gram of gold for every 100 million metric tonnes of ocean water in the Atlantic and north Pacific That doesn't sound like much, but remember that there is a lot of ocean water. There are some estimates that place the amount of gold in the water at 20 million tonnes, worth over $700 trillion dollars!
Plankton. Plankton are tiny living things that live in the water, but can’t swim. They just kinda hang out and move around with the water currents. Phytoplankton take carbon dioxide and sunlight, and make their food. One of the products of this photosynthesis is oxygen. 70% of Earth’s oxygen is made this way.
True. This is for two reasons. Firstly shark teeth never run out: when they lose a tooth they ALWAYS get a new one to replace it. Secondly, you cannot find shark-bone fossils because sharks have no bones. Instead their skeleton is made of cartilage, like your ears or the end of your nose.
160 km. This number has actually decreased from the 1940s at 1600km, possibly due to noise pollution in the ocean. Other whale species have also gone to communicate in higher frequencies since 100 years ago, possibly for the same reasons.
Ocean tides are caused by gravity from the Sun and Moon acting on the water. The height of the tide is dependent on the position of the Sun and Moon relative to the Earth.
No. Tsunamis are caused by water displacement as a result of an undersea earthquake or a landslide. Tidal waves are caused by the moon & Sun's gravitational pull combined with prevailing winds and water currents.
False! The Pacific Ocean covers 30% of the Earth's surface, with the widest point between Indonesia and Colombia at about 5°N latitude, where it stretches approximately 19,800 km. In comparison, the width of the Moon is 3,474.2 km.
The Great Barrier Reef, 2,600km, east of QLD in Australia
A very long way! The World Widlife Fund has notes that one female leatherback was recorded as having travelled more than 19,312km in a round-trip across the Pacific Ocean, from Indonesia to the United States and back again.
The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, which extends about 11 kilometres below sea level.
Tepre Pacificum, aka “peaceful sea, named by explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1520.
In the Caribbean Sea.

There is a rough triangular shaped area east of Florida and north of the Dominican Republic. There are many superstitions which describe this area as causing unexplained disappearances of boats and ships, however the most likely explanation for these tragedies are poor weather.
There is a bit of debate here. The highest recorded wave by a buoy was 19 meters between Iceland and the United Kingdom in 2016, however there have been ship observations of up to 29 meters. The height of an ocean wave is measured from the crest of one wave to the trough of the next.
30 meters! This was actually from a landslip in Lituya Bay, Alaska , where the collapsing land pushed a wave up the sides of the bay. What is wilder is that this wave went up the sides of the slopes, snapping trees that were 524 meters above the waterline!

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