Teaching Ideas and articles for STEM : Page 2 of 264 : Fizzics Education


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Episode: 143

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Podcast: STEM in Environmental Education with Meridith Ebbs

Ben Newsome

Want to incorporate STEM into environmental education? Meridith Ebbs is someone to guide you through this! Meridith is a highly experienced teacher with a real passion for teaching students in natural environments whilst using different technologies.


Episode: 142

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Podcast: SDGs & United Nations Association of Australia – NSW Division

Ben Newsome

Learn about the work being done by the United Nations Association of Australia and how to get involved as we chat with Brett Martin, the UNAA NSW Director for Members and Volunteers + Global Citizenship Pillar Lead


Episode: 140

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Diversity and Inclusion in STEM with SD2

Ben Newsome

We hang out with SD2 Co-Founder and Executive Director H. Puentes to learn more about diversity & inclusion pathways for students being formed in San Diego.


Episode: 139

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FamilyBookform with Carey Furze

Ben Newsome

We chat with Carey Furze, founder of FamilyBookform, a handy educational technology tool that helps students create books from recordings that they make. Plenty of uses for the science classroom too!


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How to Prepare Students for a STEM Career

Ben Newsome

As a teacher, you’re in a great position to help engage students in STEM and set them up for career success! We look at practical ideas to get you started.


Episode: 137

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Increasing disaster resilience with Owen Ziebell

Ben Newsome

Increasing disaster resilience and knowledge is fundamentally important for communities of all different sizes and locations. Today we speak with Owen Ziebell, Senior Project Officer for the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience about the work being done in schools to help our students & families be prepared.


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Introducing Kids to Coding in a Fun, Approachable Way

Ben Newsome

As we continue to move more and more towards a high-tech, digital future, coding will only continue to become an essential and valuable skill. This means finding new and fun ways to get younger kids interested, and learning these skills is vital. Many children already show proficiency in STEM subjects,...


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7 unique student engagement strategies for STEM classes

Ben Newsome

Want to drive high engagement in STEM learning. We look at effective strategies that help each of your students to indulge in active STEM learning.


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8 Steps to Teaching Kids About Nutrition

Ben Newsome

When you teach kids about nutrition you really set them up well for a healthy life! We go through 8 simple steps that you can take!


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Inspiring Children to Be Advocates for Sustainability

Ben Newsome

Instilling environmentally and socially-friendly behaviour patterns in children now can make a big difference in the outcome of the future!


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Creative Ways to Ignite Excitement Around Engineering

Ben Newsome

How can parents and teachers get the ball rolling in the formative years? Kids learn best when they genuinely enjoy what they’re doing, after all. Lucky for you, there are tons of ways to make engineering fun, through hands-on projects, interesting trivia, and more!


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Combining STEM Concepts and Mindfulness

Ben Newsome

Mindfulness is being embraced by a growing number of schools, often to handle personal wellness and discipline challenges. But it can also be a valuable component of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) lessons. Lets look into this further.


Episode: 128

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Podcast: Using games to teach science – Part 1 with Richard Durham

Ben Newsome

Physical games offer an incredible opportunity for people to explore & learn concepts. This can be applied in STEM education! We chat with Richard Durham, a passionate advocate for game design and the Curriculum Development Manager for the Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries at the University of Auckland. This...


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Five reasons why encouraging growth mindsets is a successful classroom strategy

Ben Newsome

Creating a growth mindset in students sets them up now and into their future. We dive into 5 reasons why this is a successful classroom strategy.

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