STEM – Page 16


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Bringing science to audiences; what do they take away?

Ben Newsome

Nothing puts your lesson to the test than having students try to recall just what the content was. You can tell if you ask them to send you a drawing, especially if you ask for it to be sent a week after the fact! The trap of running a science...


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Digital microscopy; teaching students biology their way

Ben Newsome

Kids these days really love meshing digital media into nearly everything they do. Why not go with the trend and present biological science with portable laptops and digital microscopes? This week I was at a school running a station-based a microscopy lesson...


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Running telescopes in Centennial Parklands

Ben Newsome

January school holidays are in full swing as we again are running around delivering science shows for a variety of libraries, museums, vacation care centres and the like across QLD, NSW, and Victoria. This year we have joined with Centennial Parklands to work alongside their Rangers to deliver fun science...


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On the dinosaur trail with Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum

Ben Newsome

Over the past year Fizzics has been working with the Sydney Chapter of Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum on a concept of bringing AAOD to Australian schools through video conferencing and outreach. In August I was lucky enough to be invited along to visit a AAOD dinosaur dig in Winton,...


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Science club booming at the Powerhouse Discovery Centre

Ben Newsome

This year has seen the introduction of an informal science club at the Powerhouse Discovery Centre at Castle Hill. Children aged 8 years and up are now able to come to the Powerhouse Museum Collection Stores to participate in science experiments with like-minded kids. The weekly sessions have kids running...


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Working with Disney: Who stole the Cake?

Ben Newsome

We had a bit of fun last week as we filmed a short segment for Saturday Disney – “Who stole the cake?”. With a few props and couple of takes Shae Brewster from Saturday Disney was on the case as we looked at...

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How to run an Australian wildlife show

Ben Newsome

I ran into Anthony Stimson again a little while ago whilst running science workshops at Australian Museum’s Science in the City. Anthony runs Australian Wildlife Displays and visits schools to perform wildlife shows. As such its common for us to run into each other whilst at science festivals and environmental...


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Science Lessons from Masterchef

Ben Newsome

Who said that all reality television is complete rubbish? Sunday night’s Masterchef challenge contained some serious lessons about the importance of the scientific method. The challenge was to invent a recipe, and write it so that somebody following it to the letter could reproduce it perfectly.


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Does science always have to go bang?

Ben Newsome

Most of the time when I walk into a job, whether it be a school workshop, an event, or a birthday party, I get asked if I’m going to make something explode – and I’m not sure that this is a good thing. As a science student at uni, I...


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Magical science

Ben Newsome

I am not ashamed to admit this, but for the last 12 years of my life, I have wanted nothing more than to be able to toss some Floo powder in a fireplace and walk through that beautiful green flame to the land of Harry Potter. With the last installment...


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Up, up and away!

Ben Newsome

This is a significant weekend for science. At 1.25am AEST Saturday, Space Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to be launched into space for the 33rd and last time. As I was reading up on facts for a post about the final launch of Atlantis, I found out that it is also...


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Teaching science to gifted kids… overcoming the challenges

Ben Newsome

As most readers are aware, working with gifted children offers its own challenges when it comes to science. Our approach to any child, gifted or not, is to work with what they can do rather than concentrate on their particular age. Having supplementary material on hand is the best insurance...


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Well that was really, really close!

Ben Newsome

Earlier this week, we had a close shave. An asteroid passed by the Earth at just 12,000 km. The distance between the Earth and the Moon is roughly 400,000 km. That is really, really close. The asteroid was between 5 and 20 km in diameter and probably would have burned...


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Volcanic Ash Chaos

Ben Newsome

Chile’s Puyehue Volcano began to erupt on June 4 of this year, and despite being 10,000 km away from the eastern states, wreaked havoc on Australian and New Zealand air travel. How did the cloud of ash manage to travel so far? The answer is trade winds.

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