Regional School Science Visits : Fizzics Education

Regional School Science Visits

Regional School Science Visits

Country Science Visits

Hands-on science to your school!


To make STEM enrichment opportunities more available to regional students, wer’re committed to making science accessible to schools in regional and remote areas.

  • Award-winning science enrichment programs aligned with the curriculum
  • Delivered by experienced educators
  • Full risk assessments
  • Low fuss & very easy to organise

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Multiple outcomes addressed.
Visit this table which details which outcomes map against >40 workshops

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School Testimonials


Bourke - Walgett School of Distance Education

The presenter was enthusiastic and animated about all things scientific... his presentations were exciting for the students. The programmes specifically suited the stage level and worked perfectly. I was very impressed with the range and complexity of the equipment provided and the generous 'hand-on' use of it. A very valuable resource.

Silverton & School the Air Broken Hill

Just wanted to thank Quill for her awesome science activities at our mini school in Silverton last week. I didn't get to say goodbye to her on Friday morning - she was fantastic and the kids have been talking about nothing else since!

Science Show Activities

DAY 1: Example timetable


9:00am - 10:00am (K to 2)


10:00am - 11:00am (K to 2)


11:30am - 12:30pm (3 to 4)

Forces, Friction & Movement

12:30pm - 1:30pm (3 to 4)

Forces, Friction & Movement

2:15pm - 3:15pm (K to 6)

Big Science Big Fun

DAY 2: Example timetable


9:00am - 10:00am (5 to 6)

Electrical Circuits

10:00am - 11:00am (5 to 6)

Electrical Circuits

11:30am - 12:30pm (3 to 4)

Chemical Capers

12:30pm - 1:30pm (3 to 4)

Chemical Capers

2:15pm - 3:15pm (K to 6)

Liquid Nitrogen

A woman with glasses, safety gloves and ear muffs holding a purple cup with a cloud of water vapour around it and a massive expanding orange balloon

Tips for school science visits

  • Work with your regional network of Principals. From school camps to driving between schools on the same day, there are many options to work within your budget.
  • Consider meshing your school funding with a Schools Plus Funding Drive. For example, we’ve attended schools whereby resources such as robotics have been purchased and we then accelerate the student’s knowledge on how to use them.
  • We can work with your school and a local agricultural show too!
  • We can run STEM professional development programs with your staff either after school or as a pupil-free day. Much better than having to do another e-learning unit!
  • Generally, 30 students is a maximum per science workshop whereby shows can handle larger audiences (even the entire school).
  • Choose a room where the classes can rotate through easily and have us present a large school show at the end of the day!

Van de graf green hair raise


Please be aware of setup and pack up times for each school science workshop. These are listed within each school workshop description, including other associated requirements. We are quite flexible with arranging things around your schedule and location, we just need to know what you have in mind.

Go further – Complete Units of Work to support your teaching!

Hours of High-Quality videos, printable experiments, quizzes, vocabulary lists,
Scope & sequences, cross-curricular teaching ideas,  marking rubrics & more
Save time & engage students in STEM

Find out more!

During Social Distancing – Contact us
and we’ll tailor a program to suit both your school and the State’s social distancing requirements. Further details here

We're a COVID SAFE Company


Call 1300 856 828, or click below to chat with us about making a visit possible for your school!

Print a PDF for mapping of all our K to 6 science visits

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